It's been a week since returning from California and I'm still astonished with all the new friendships that I've made. After 21 years of raising a family I hate to admit I've never been away from the family except for two family funerals. I know...pretty sad case.
I came to realize that doing something for yourself is not selfish but just the opposite. My family saw a more confident and positive person coming home who smiled and (according to my daughter) laughed a little too much! Can one ever do too much of that? I owe this to the entire CPSA group. Even though this group gathers once a year for the annual convention they seemed to have picked up conversations where they left off from the year before without missing a beat. It's like a family reunion. This being my first year I had absolutely no expectations only to see the best color pencil exhibit from around the world, and I did. But now I understand why (even if one doesn't get accepted) these members attend each year. I believe it's safe to say and parallel the relationships to sisterhood (for the female members). I had the most inspirational and amazing time with old and new friends sight-seeing, conversations, and our common bond - viewing and enjoying each other's art! What more can I ask for?!
The Cippy Award went to a well-deserved artist from Japan, Shinji Harada,CPSA. The detail in his linen entitled Grapes in a Basket was breath-taking. Congratulations. The artists reception at The Art Museum of Los Gatos was well received and many spectators were in awe of the various techniques a color pencil can do.
(At the artist reception)
The Art Museum of Los Gatos
Grapes in a Basket

(Elizabeth Patterson, Lynda Schumacher, and Teresa Mallen at Muir Woods)
(Bonnie Auten and Mari K. Moehl)
(Elizabeth Patterson, Maine, Lynda Schumacher, and Debbi Friedman)
Now that I'm back I have been motivated to work on my next piece. It's a commission and the largest size I've ever done. Tulips from Holland, Michigan was the request on a horizontal format and I was very grateful when I was given pretty much free reign over the colors and types of tulips. I'm working with Prismacolors and on U-Art 800 grit paper. I'm layering the background in now in indigo blue, tuscan red, and dark green and varying in limepeel, moss green, light umber, kelp green, french grey, dahlia purple, and dark purple. After several layers I'll use solvent to blend the colors to give it a more painterly appearance.
Prismacolor on U-Art (27 x 38)
What a great post, Dianna! I certainly agree with your assessment of the convention experience, hope to be able to go next year... and would love to see you there.
Looking forward to seeing your tulip piece progress!
I have been an on again off again member of CPSA since it first began...was published in The Best of Colored Pencil II, and have always loved the medium. I only went to one convention - in Detroit. Am still friends with Bonnie Auten. I mainly work in oils and pastel now but I get those pencils out every once in a while. I will look forward to seeing how your new commission goes!
Thanks Liz. Whenever I get stressed out here I think about the convention and it puts a smile back on my face!
Nice to meet you Karen. I hope that you'll consider staying on with CPSA. I've found that it's a great group! Everyone is down to earth and very humble. Next year is in Dallas....hope you'll join us!
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