As children,we were directed in school to follow the teacher's instructions and perform a certain style of printing, writing, or behavior.
As artists, we always try to find another artist that we admire and we begin reproducing their style and subject matter. It's only second nature to do this.
Tongue in cheek, I have been drawing and painting subject matter that I love. Some scenes are unconventional. That said, I hesitate to expose myself. But I have realized because I am so passionate about the piece that it becomes that much better. If you were to look at any successful artist you will see that they do not replicate any other artist and have developed a style and subject matter of their own. The creator and creation have become harmonious.
As artists we learn and explore our craft by trying on the styles and methods of our peers and mentors but yes, eventually we must start expressing our own unique selves. Finding our own unique voice is a journey that never really ends but it a trip definitely worth taking! :-)
I am so behind in my blog reading...your CPSA submission looks great!!! I would love to see it in person. How brave of you to do such serious cropping! Looks like one for THE LIST!
How true Teresa that we find our uniqueness. I feel comfortable when I know that I'm not replicating any style (maybe subjects at times) and have become independent of others. It's similar to a child becoming independent of it's parents but preserves specific qualities that remain important.
Thank you for the compliment on my submission. If it makes THE LIST you will get to see it. I'm crossing my fingers as I type. LOL!
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